
Producing ads and layouting articles must be based upon up-to-date content and planning. A real-time coupling of production with input tools is vital to achieve this. In addition, for ad production, it saves a lot of time when searching for customer material is not needed, and when proofs are sent out automatically.

The production modules AdFlow (for ads) and RedaFlow (for articles) are designed to do this. With a coupling to the ads- and articles-database and to InDesign, very quick and error free production of ads and articles is realised. Both old as new material is instantly available in the design department, and advertisers can get a soft proof of their ad for online approval: less mistakes, and very time-saving!

Ad sales&booking


Since advertising generates most or all income for free newspapers and magazines, the advertising workflow should be well organized and monitored. In addition, tools



Most papers have ads with a simple layout and consquently low price (e.g. classified displays, family ads, etc.). Still it can take considerable time to produce these ads, and



For daily papers there's quite a choice of editiorial systems. But for weekly or monthly papers and magazines, these systems are mostly too big, too complex, too expensive,

Management Information


Always having an up-to-date status overview of your paper gives ease of mind. Knowing how many ads are booked, in production, in correction, placed, allows active steering